Fashion is all about the clothes you wear and how you express yourself. Everyone has their own way of doing it. Some people like to wear the latest trends, while others prefer designer items. Vintage clothing is also popular, but not everyone likes it. Some people like to fill their wardrobe with vintage clothes, while others just like to use a vintage item as a statement piece.
Personally, I love vintage clothing from the 1920s to the 1940s. I have some amazing pieces and outfits from that era that I used to wear all the time. I still have them hanging in my closet or in my cedar trunks. I don't dress up as much as I used to, but I still love looking at all the clothes I have.
I used to own my own vintage and designer resale store in Los Angeles in the 80s. I had so many clothes, jewelry, and other accessories. I have since sold off many items here on the East Coast, but I still have some things that are hard to part with, even if I can't wear them anymore.
I still like to go to clothing shops and markets to browse, but I don't buy much anymore because I'm trying to declutter. I like to look at all sorts of clothes, even if I wouldn't wear them, and check out the latest trends for women of all ages and look at vintage and retro clothing and accessories.
Most of the vintage clothing I see is from the 1950s onwards, which means it was fashionable at some point during my life. I remember when these clothes were going out of fashion and people didn't want to wear them anymore. It's hard for me to see them as something I would wear now, but sometimes I find something I like and would wear with modern clothes.
In the early 80s, I had a theme party where everyone had to wear clothing that was at least 30 years old. We had a DJ playing music from those eras, and we even ate food from back then. Wearing vintage clothes for a party is so much fun, and when I lived in Los Angeles, some of my customers, including celebrities, loved wearing them every day. I'll keep shopping for vintage and retro clothes as long as the trend is around, even if I never buy another vintage find.
Need to clean and restore vintage fabrics or garments?
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